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Tian Lan Brand Cement mould can help you beautify your courtyard, garden without any special skills. It just spend a little time to create your own style of path, not only beautiful, but also protect plants from stampede damage. Working steps: Step 1: The mold can be placed directly on a relatively flat surface. For professional results, remove the top soil of 1 inches(2.5 cm) and keep the mold level before filling the concrete. After the walkway is complete, the removed top soil can be used to fill the open space on the side. Step 2: Mix concrete mixtures with tools or machines. Add about 3/4 gallons(2.8 liters) of water to each 80 pounds(36.6 kg) concrete mixture bag and mix well. The total amount of water per 80 pounds(36.6 kg) bag must not exceed 41/2 quarts(4.2 liters). If you want to obtain colored concrete, add the cement color directly to the mixed water. Cement colors has red, brown, charcoal and marroon. Step 3: Use a shovel or smear to fill each cavity of the mold with a concrete mixture. Tap the mold with your hand to eliminate any air bubbles. Setp 4: Pat the surface of the peaceful sliding cavity with a smear. Remove the mold quickly. Allow the concrete to set for a maximum of five minutes, then carefully remove the mold. Step 5: After removing the mold, wipe all edges with a scrub until the appearance is satisfactory. Place the mold near the finished part. Rotate the mold 1/4 laps to interlock and get a more random pattern. Continue this process until your project is complete. Step 6: Use concrete sealants to protect your walkway and courtyard from stains and weathering. Tips: Multiple molds are used together for greater efficiency!