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Vampirina Coloring Book Vampirina is an Irish-American computer-animated Halloween fantasy musical children's television series that premiered on Disney Junior on October 1, 2017. Vampirina follows the story of Vampirina "Vee" Hauntley who becomes the new kid on the block after she and her family move from Transylvania to Pennsylvania to open a local bed and breakfast called the Scare B and B for visiting ghouls (including vampires) and goblins. The Hauntley family have to learn to do things the "Pennsylvania way," especially when Vee is at school, all while keeping their monster lives a secret from humans so they don't scare them. What will you do in this book ? 100 pages of this book illustrate many amazing artworks based on the scenes from Vampirina. By filling these artworks with radiant colors, you can enjoy the wonderful moment you spend on this book! Why is choosing this book right to do? Amazing relaxing pages : Take a seat, grab crayons and enjoy the time you color this book. Wonderful designs and unique patterns : Your creativity will be satisfied and becoming a true artist is just a piece of cake now! Perfect all-kill for any level : Don't scare to color it wrong, there is no particular limit for art in this book. Best gifts ever : Order it and share its copy to your homies, then you can have so much more together!