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Valley Fever Epidemic is the first and only comprehensive, complete, and up-to-date book written for the lay person on the subject of coccidioidomycosis, commonly known as Valley Fever. It is easy to read and understand and features detailed in-depth information on the disease¿s symptoms, diagnosis, testing, drugs and treatment, risk factors, and more. This book also includes maps and statistics, frequently asked questions, what you need to know before you see a doctor, how to help boost your immune system, and stories that people with Valley Fever sent to the authors at The chapter on how Valley Fever affects animals contains stories from pet owners as well. In addition, this book has a medical glossary of over 465 words with definitions that translate all the technical medical jargon into plain English. Although this book has been written for the lay person, even medical professionals will find it enlightening. It is backed by hundreds of medical journal citations and has been reviewed by several eminent Valley Fever doctors and other professionals. If you have ever lived in, visited or passed through Arizona, California, Nevada, Texas, New Mexico, Utah, Mexico or other risk areas, the detailed information provided in this book is especially important for you to know. If you are a resident or are considering moving to any of the states where this fungus lives and thrives, it is vital that you learn what to do if you contract Valley Fever. The knowledge you gain from Valley Fever Epidemic may save you or a loved one from unnecessary suffering.