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UV Glow 10ml Glow in the Dark Face & Body Paints - Set of 7 tubes. Once applied to the skin, the paints are vivid neon coloured. Simply charge with any light source (The longer you charge for, the longer lasting and more intense the effect). You can also 'super charge' this paint using UV Lighting for an instant effect. The paint also reacts brightly under direct exposure UV Lighting/Blacklights. This product is easily applied, dries quickly on the skin and last all night. Simply wash off with water after use. This pack contains 7x 10ml Tubes (One of each: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Pink and Orange and Super Bright Invisible). *** Please note that glow is best seen in pitch black conditions and that ambient light will detract from the perceived glow. Thick application is recommended for best results***.