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Are your awesome TH-600 TH-610 TH-900/900MK2 T50/T40/T20RP E-MU TEAK TH-X00 TR-X00 AH-D2000 AH-D5000 AH-D7000 AH-D5200 AH-D7200 AH-D9200 headphone ear pads feeling and looking a bit old? Bring your fabulous headphones back life with the ORION ear pads. The ORION ear pads are made from SHEEPSKIN LEATHER and use a specially designed DUAL-LAYER foam to help provide great sound. The ORION ear pads will help renew your headphones performance with added comfort and longevity. Outer Dimensions: Diameter: 4" (10.4 cm), Ear cavity: 2.5 x 1.75 inches (6.4 X 4.5 cm), Thick angled side: 1.15 inches (2.9 cm) Thin Angled Side: 1 inch (2.5 cm). Whenever you change the materials, angles and dimensions of your ear pads there can be changes to the sound. A natural material like sheepskin (rather than Protein Leather), a different angle of the ear pads, a larger or smaller ear hole can result in small changes to the sound. Ask if you are unsure these pads are right for your listening experience.