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This second edition of the Ultrasound of the eye and Orbit extends the collaborative voice and experience of Sandra Frazier Byrne and Ronald Green to 50 years. The range and specificity of examples also provides a ready reference for the student of ultrasonography and orbital disease. Throughout this book, the reader is able to incorporate the basic knowledge of ultrasound and apply it to a range of lesions in a meaningful manner. Table of Contents 1 Physics and Instrumentation; History, Physics, Instrumentation, THE GLOBE, Introduction, Indications, 2 Examination Techniques for the Eye; Positioning the Patient, B-scan Examination Techniques, Basic Screening Examination, Special Examination Techniques, Anterior Segment Evaluation: Immersion Technique, Evaluation of the Lens, Evaluation of the Pupil, Pediatric Examination, Documentation of Findings, 3 Vitreoretinal Disease; Vitreous Body, Retina, Retinal Pigment Epithelium, Macula, Choroid, Ciliary Body, Sclera, 4 Trauma and Postsurgical Findings; Blunt Trauma, Penetrating Trauma, Surgical Trauma (Complications), Postsurgical Findings, 5 Intraocular Tumors; Detection of Lesions, Ocular Melanoma, Other Tumors of the Uvea, Retina, and Retinal Pigment Epithelium, and Sclera, Other Lesions Simulating Melanoma, Anterior Segment Tumors, Retinoblastoma, Other Lesions Associated with Leukokoria, 6 Inflammatory Diseases of the Eye; Endophthalmitis, Noninfectious Uveitis and Vitritis, Scleritis, Inflammatory Conditions of the Choroid, Miscellaneous Conditions Associated with Inflammation of the Choroid, Retina, and Retinal Pigment Epithelium, 7 Glaucoma; Optic Disc, Congenital Glaucoma, Angle Closure Glaucoma, Secondary Glaucoma, Normal-Tension Glaucoma, Complications of Glaucoma Surgery, Glaucoma-Filtering Implant Devices (Shunts), 8 Ultrasound Biomicroscopy of the Eye, Theoretical Considerations and Development of the Ultrasound Biomicroscope, Clinical Use of Ultrasound Biomicroscopy, Ultrasound Biomicroscopy in Ocular Disease, Summary and Future Directions, 9 Three-Dimensional Ultrasound of the Eye, Instrumentation, Intraocular Tumors, Vitreoretinal Disease, Advantages and Limitations of Ophthalmic 3D Ultrasound, Future Directions and the Internet, 10 Axial Eye Length Measurements (A-Scan Biometry), Standard Axial Eye Length Dimensions, Instrumentation, Instrument Settings, Examination Procedures for A-Scan Biometry, Troubleshooting, Minimizing Errors, IOL Calculations, Unanticipated Postoperative Refractive Errors, Diagnostic Uses of Axial Eye Length Measurements, Cleaning and Calibration of Biometry Instruments, THE ORBIT, Introduction, Indications, 11 Examination Techniques for the Orbit, Positioning the Patient, B-Scan Techniques, Basic Examination for Lesion Detection, Special Examination Techniques for Lesion Differentiation, 12 Orbital Tumors, Pseudotumor and Lymphoma (Lymphoproliferative Diseases), Primary Orbital Tumors, Metastatic and Secondary Tumors, Lacrimal System Disorders, Cystic Lesions, 13 Vascular Lesions, Vascular Neoplasms, Vascular Malformations, 14 Color Doppler Imaging of the Eye and Orbit, Physical Background and Imaging Devices, Clinical Applications of Color Doppler Imaging, Ophthalmic Examination Technique, Vascular Topography of the Normal Eye and Orbit, Retinal, Retinal Vascular, and Other Vascular Diseases of the Eye, Intraocular Tumors, Orbital Disorders, Safety Considerations, Color Plates, 15 Extraocular Muscles, Examination Techniques for Rectus Muscles, Evaluation of Individual Muscles, Extraocular Muscle Disorders, 16 Optic Nerve, Retrobulbar Optic Nerve, Retrobulbar Optic Nerve Disorders, Optic Disc, 17 Orbital Trauma and Periorbital Disease, Trauma, Periorbital Disease, 18 Artifacts,