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Ultra Transformation Diet Drops is a unique, time-tested, proven weight loss drops system that offers real result . After much research and experience with various diet systems, Ultra6 Nutrition formulated the Ultra Transformation drops. This new formula combines unique ingredients with a very low calorie diet (VLCD), which has been shown to not only help with weight loss but also to target fat reduction. The addition of our weight loss system (that spells out a nutrition routine giving you a daily eating plan) truly helps in targeting the loss of belly fat. The goal is to attain weight loss while having a transformation of your body back to a leaner and more healthy state. Take advantage of our experienced staff just a phone call away (totally free) to help support you with your weight loss goals. Its' Weightloc Drops and B12 Drops are a great additions to the plan, giving you additional products to provide extra nutrition and to overcome afternoon fatigue. Ideal weight loss results attained when the Ultra Transformation Diet Protocol is followed (protocol brochure provided with diet drops).