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CHECK YOUR HEADRESTS BEFORE ORDERING Headrests posts must be ROUND. And headrests must be able to be moved up and down. Headrests that automatically drop forward or back will NOT WORK. Also will not work on headrests that are fixed and unmovable.BRAND NEW FOR 2018, Joybell introduces the safest and most secure backseat, rear view, baby mirror for keeping a watchful eye on your baby during travel. The Joybell mirror was designed by a doctor with firsthand knowledge of mirror safety problems. Problems like straps that break in accidents because sunlight has made them brittle. Did you know that straps holding up 99% of mirrors lose 50% of their tensile strength in the first 6-12 months? Sunlight streaming through the back car window oxidizes straps making them weak and brittle - check out the pictures in the ad above for real-life examples.The Joybell is superior to all other mirrors on the market. It is the LARGEST, CLEAREST, MOST SECURE and SAFEST. Joybell attaches to the headrest WITHOUT dangerous straps, using an ultra-strong, easy to install, and easy to adjust clamp. Check out the video below to see how fast and easy it is to install.The Joybell's strapless connection stays strong and secure for years keeping your babies exceptionally safe in the car.And the Joybell mirror is made with only ABS plastic and acrylic so it is SHATTERPROOF and contains NO TOXIC CHEMICALS like cadmium, lead or BPA.ITEM INCLUDES1. ebook written by an MD beautifully formatted in PDF,Safe Baby, Happy Baby covering everything you need to know about babyproofing and safety. Copyright 20172. Free Window Shade to keep baby happy and cool by blocking 97% of sunlight, UV rays and heat3. Free cleaning cloth great for keeping the mirror spotless and also your sunglasses clean.