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Climate change remains the single most important challenge of our generation. But despite almost universal recognition of the ongoing crisis, the United States has been unable to move quickly and smartly towards even moderate acceptance and integration of renewable energy into our fossil fuel driven economy. Dan Dicker, a lifetime observer and expert on energy markets examines the roadblocks to what should be an easy and ‘natural’ transition from oil and natural gas to solar, wind and other sustainable energy sources. In “Turning Oil Green”, Dicker outlines the missteps from OPEC, energy companies, Wall Street, Washington and the environmental lobby that have turned the path towards renewable energy into a ‘circular firing squad’ where everyone, from consumers to investors to our planet itself have come away without the goals they seek.Further, Dicker suggests changes, using our current energy market mechanisms, that will not only satisfy “Green New Deal” advocates and policymakers in Washington, but the shareholders of oil and gas companies as well, and accelerate our energy evolution towards our inevitable – and critically necessary - future of carbon neutral energy.