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Prehnite With Epidote from the Chrysalis Stone. These Powerful healing Stones are used to heal the healer. They link the mind with your heart removing emotional baggage.Used to treat Nightmares , Phobias, and fears. used with Solar plexus, heart, and third eye chakra's Prehnite links the heart with the will rather than the egotistic mind, so your desires are in alignment with the highest possible good in each situation and your actions take on the coloration's of peace. Prehnite aids those who hoard possessions or love because of an inner lack, and will assist you in de-cluttering, helping you let go of possessions you no longer need, and to organize what is kept in a positive way. Prehnite is the crystal that heals the healer, linking the heart with the heart of Nature. Prehnite is like emotional soap that helps wash emotional debris from the aura, helping one to immediately release identification with emotional wounds and preventing little hurts from growing into festering emotional sores. Prehnite emanates renewal and hope and nurtures your energy field by grounding it into the energy grid of the Earth. Prehnite stabilizes energy flow and reminds us of the existence of our personal power, quieting restlessness and worry and helping you to avoid the unhealthy use of the imagination. At the same time Prehnite invokes the use of that power in the service of love, teaching how to be in harmony with nature and the elemental forces, revitalizing and renewing your surroundings.