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TREDS are the most puncture and tear resistant slush boots in the world because TREDS are molded from nature’s strongest elastic material… latex natural rubber. You will be surprised and pleased how easily TREDS pull on and off and how comfortable they feel! The world’s toughest jobs deserve the world’s strongest boots… TREDS. TREDS LAST 6 TO 8 TIMES LONGER than cheap imports and synthetic rubber or pvc overboots, because TREDS unique latex natural rubber formula has superior physical properties: 4000 lbs. of tensile strength 210 lbs./inch of “trouser tear” strength 800% elongation TREDS WON'T "BLOW OUT" ON THE JOB!: Super tough TREDS are almost impossible to puncture or tear. If damaged, the tear won’t “run”. We guarantee it! PATCHABLE TREDS HAVE "9 LIVES": If TREDS are punctured or snagged, turn boot inside out and apply a standard rubber patch or super glue. EASY TO PULL ON AND OFF!: Stretchy TREDS pull on and off like a dream. "NO RIGHT - NO LEFT" - NO HASSLE!: Unilast design eliminates “rights” and “lefts”. BETTER FIT - LESS FATIGUING: Buy TREDS to fit your workboot – not 3 sizes too big. Snug-fitting TREDS are almost 50% lighter than standard slush boots.