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In the Transformers: Robots in Disguise animated series, Bumblebee leads a team of Autobots. Their mission: capture Decepticons that are loose on Earth … and do it without being discovered. Join Bumblebee and his team and help them chase down Decepticons with Transformers: Robots in Disguise figures! The Autobots have discovered a powerful group of Mini-Con allies. These bots not only convert to weapons - they give other bots a Power Surge to use in battle. Bumblebee links with the Mini-Con Buzzstrike to activate his Power Surge mode. Hit the Decepticons with a super-charged attack with Power Surge Bumblebee! The 9-inch tall figure comes with a Mini-Con Weaponizers Buzzstrike figure that attaches and activates Power Surge mode! Attach the Mini-Con Weaponizers figure to the Bumblebee figure's chest to unleash phrases and battle sounds. Imagine Bumblebee is joining with Buzzstrike to harness extra power for battle, as seen in the Transformers: Robots in Disguise animated series. Attach different Mini-Con Weaponizers figures (each sold separately) to activate different sounds. Transformers: Robots in Disguise figures unlock content in the Transformers Robots: in Disguise app! Scan the Autobot shields on these figures to unlock Power Surge Bumblebee and an axe. Download the app, scan the shield to activate the code, unlock, and play! App content is for ages 9 and up (see below for details). This Power Surge Bumblebee figure changes from robot to sports car and back in 3 steps. The Mini-Con Weaponizers Buzzstrike figure converts from robot to axe in 1 step. Transformers and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.