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In the Transformers Robots in Disguise animated series, Bumblebee leads a team of Autobots to capture escaped Decepticon prisoners that are loose on Earth. Join Bumblebee and his team and help them chase down Decepticons with Transformers Robots in Disguise figures. Mini-Cons are smaller bots that become weapons for their larger teammates. This collection features 4 awesome Mini-Con figures that convert from robot to weapon mode in 1 quick step. It includes 2 Autobot Minicons, 2 Decepticon Minicons plus 15 weapon and armor accessories that can be used to customize the figures. Undertone, and Backtrack figures work with Mini-Con Deployer Overload. Beastbox works with Mini-con Deployer Drift. Swelter works with Mini-con Deployer Fracture. Transformers Robots in Disguise figures unlock content in the Transformers Robots in Disguise app. Scan the Autobot or Decepticon shield on these figures to unlock currency or a power-up pack in the app. Download the app, scan the shields to activate the codes, unlock, and play. Transformers and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.