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The most complete, up-to-date introduction to the theory and practice of SNMP, for all LAN, WAN, and Internet (TCP/IP) networking professionals.Total SNMP begins with a detailed overview of the field of network management, including current trends, and then introduces the theory, history and major components of SNMP. It provides detailed introductions to the Structure of Management Information (SMI) and Management Information Bases (MIBs) in both SNMP v1 and v2. Next, it revisits the SNMP Reference Model and then explains how SNMP has actually been implemented. The book introduces SNMP development and support tools, network management stations, agents, and a variety of implementation issues. Finally, it covers new enhancements to SNMP, including standard APIs such as WinSNMP and SNMP++, Desktop Management Task Force standards, Web-based management, distributed objects, expert systems, and more.All LAN and WAN network managers, system administrators and network engineers who work with SNMP.