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Informed by on-the-ground research, Herb Lester's handy, folded guides uncover what makes a city special - its most distinctive shops, restaurants, cafés, bars, museums and galleries, whether unmissable old favourites, exciting new arrivals or overlooked treasures. Each entry comes with its own brief description, and a basic map helps the reader get their bearings and make plans.Tokyo is a place that can befuddle and confuse even the most urbane traveller. Luis Mendo has spent several years visiting the city, and in this collaboration with Herb Lester Associates, he shares his hard-won knowledge. This guide is a starting point, something to help you find your feet as you begin to navigate Tokyo's streets. There are tips on etiquette, advice on getting around, useful phrases and a series of walks to help the visitor get acclimatised.Printed on a single sheet of 100% recycled paper, these light, portable guides are an ideal travelling companion.