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Additional protection to use with the Simple Boot. by Cavallo. For those who would like additional protection to the SIMPLE Boot softee-leather-covered foam collar, we offer the Cavallo Pastern Wrap (sold in sets of two). Simple to use: Pull pastern wrap over hoof with the shaped back area covering the bulbs of the hoof, and the Cavallo logo centered at the front. Open front flaps of SIMPLE boot; pull boot tongue forward, insert hoof and place on ground. Lift pastern wrap Velcro flaps; push boot tongue against hoof and press pastern wrap flaps onto boot tongue. Fasten boot securely as per SIMPLE Boot instructions. Sizes: Small - for Simple Boots sizes 0 - 2, Medium - for Simple Boots sizes 3 - 4, Large - for Simple Boots sizes 5 - 6. Like your own riding boots, it is recommended that time is taken to gradually break in your SIMPLE Boots. If your horse has sensitive skin, or if you are going on a long ride and are concerned about potential rubbing, Cavallo Pastern Wraps are available. If your horse is fine boned and there is excess space between the pastern and the boot collar, wraps can also prevent major debris from entering the boot.