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Ear and eye problems in dogs and cats are common, and if left untreated, they may develop into bigger issues. That’s why Thomas Labs developed Terra Septic Drops—professional-strength, pH neutral ear and eye drops for dogs and cats. They safely promote the normal healing process of the eyes and ears without harming healthy tissue. Terra Septic Drops promote eye and ear health by supporting the body’s natural ability to fight bacteria. The key ingredient in these drops is silver solution, which combats bacteria and works to return ear and eye functions back to a normal level. Ear Infections in Dogs & Cats Ear infections, which can be quite common in dogs and cats, should always be addressed as untreated infections could result in eventual hearing loss. Ear infections in dogs and cats are commonly caused by bacteria, yeast, mites, excessive hair growth in the ear, or allergies. Symptoms of ear infections often include yellow or black discharge from the ear, redness or swelling of the ear flap and ear canal, a strong odor, and scratching around the ear. Treating ear infections in pets varies depending on how far the infection has progressed. Home treatment can usually be successful if the infection is caught early. A mild infection can often be treated with an advanced ear cleanser or topical medication, such as Terra Septic Drops which help promote healthy ears and combat the growth of bacteria. You can help prevent infections by routinely cleaning your pet’s ears and checking for the common symptoms of ear infections.