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Start embracing the wonder of life after 40 We're all getting older. How do we make the second half of our lives the best half? Forty incredible women of faith from 40 to 85 tackle aging anxieties head-on--and upend them with compelling first-person stories full of humor, sass, and spiritual wisdom. Including: Elisa Morgan on Dogs and Belonging Elisabeth Elliot on Sacrifice and Offering Jennifer Dukes Lee on Drinking in God's Love Jennifer Grant on Diving In Jen Pollock Michel on Facing the End Joni Eareckson Tada on Pain and Provision Kay Warren on Joy and Holy Fun Kendra Smiley on the Freedom of Fun Lauren Winner on Living with Intention Luci Shaw on Embracing Adventure Lynne Hybels on the Necessity of Pleasure Madeleine L'Engle on Honoring Touch Patricia Raybon on Answering the Phone Paula Huston on Living Outdoors Shannon Ethridge on the Miracles in Mistakes Sheila Wise Rowe on Following God's Lead Vina Mogg on the Beauty of MessJill Kandel on 'Tilting Toward' and on 'The Legacy We Leave Behind.' And many more In three thematic sections--Firsts, Lasts, and Always-- these women provide much-needed role models for aging honestly, beautifully, and faithfully, with surprises all along the way. These are indeed the Wonder Years.