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Our wellness tea and infusion line include specially crafted tea and herbal blends that are traditionally known to have a positive supporting effect on one's health. This tea blend has carefully selected ingredients to offer herbal balance and stimulate internal organs. Recent studies have shown that your body constantly tries to maintain a certain weight level and when extreme diet plan is implemented it just fights harder. These studies support what we have known all along - that extreme dietary changes are bound to result in bad long term results. But taking small steps that we can maintain overtime and make part of our routine can create a true difference. Among the ingredients in this tea: Garcinia Cambogia - a tropical fruit that according to traditional medicine, has the power to monitor sugar levels, suppress appetite and some even say that it can reduce buildup of fat. Dandelion - a wonderful plant that is known in traditional medicine to support cleansing, support the liver, bone health, urinary disorders and maintain sugar levels.