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Product Description Two explorers take an incredible expedition into the blistering Arabian Desert and turn up what many scholars believe to be one of the greatest discoveries in history: The real Mt. Sinai, the holy mountain on which Moses received the Ten Commandments. Review "What could possibly upstage the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls? Maybe the news that Mt. Sinai, site of the most powerful encounters ever recorded between man and His maker, has been found in Saudi Arabia by Robert Cornuke and Larry Williams." --Ian Reed, Reuters News Agency "Your explorations are facinating. Your story is remarkable!" --National Geographic Television About the Actor Narrated By: Actor John Rhys-Davies. Acclaimed Welsh-born actor John Rhys-Davies is probably best know to film audiences for his roles in the blockbuster hits "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade." He has also had leading roles in "Victor, Victoria," "The Living Daylights," and "King Solomon's Mine." His latest work has been in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy as Gimli the Dwarf. Rhys-Davies, who was raised in England, Africa and Wales, credits his early exposure to classic literature for his decision to pursue acting and writing. he later refined his craft at London's renowned Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts.