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Contains 100 grams of: Strontium Chloride Sodium Carbonate Cupric Sulfate Potassium Chloride Cupric Chloride plus a 12.5 gm package of magnesium ribbon to produce a brilliant WHITE flame. Our large flame test kit is an great way to visually determine the identity and presence of a metal or metalloid ion based on the color the chemical sample turns when placed in a flame. The sample chemicals are packaged in screw top jars.. To perform the test, wet a nichrome wire loop, as in an inoculating loop in pure alcohol (not included in this kit), pick up a small sample of one of the chemicals. Place the loop with the chemical in the hottest portion of a flame from a burner. Notice the color of the flame as the chemical sample burns. Note that the wire should be well cleaned by dipping in alcohol between samples so no dust etc. interferes with the true color in the test sample flame. Stainless steel spatulas can also be used. SAFETY: Wear chemical splash goggles, a lab chemical apron and youths should perform under supervision. STORAGE OF CHEMICALS: Some of these chemicals are hygroscopic (i.e. they will absorb moisture from the air). Keep cap well sealed when not in use. If a chemical becomes slushy, try storing vial in a sealed container along with some desiccant such as a silica gel packet to remove the excess moisture. To test an unknown mineral, compare its observed flame color with the known values from such as the list below: