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Millions of people all over the world are plagued with the symptoms of a number of ano-rectal diseases. It can be intimidating and overwhelming to go to a specialist when you have an ano-rectal problem, but Andrew Kagan, MD, FACS, eases some of the stress by guiding you through the most common of these diseases and their different treatment options. Kagan’s information is wrapped up in the story of the doctors who came before him, specifically “the rear admiral” himself, Dr. Clarence Benjamin, who became famous for his treatment of ano-rectal disorders. As Dr. Benjamin meets and examines patients, Kagan includes important knowledge about their various maladies. He also covers the history of proctology and the ways technological advances have changed the way medical professionals who deal with ano-rectal disease work and operate. Kagan covers the signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids, gastro-intestinal bleeding, anal fissures, pilonidal sinuses, perianal abscesses, anal fistulas, rectal prolapse, human papilloma virus, sexually transmitted proctitis, ano-genital herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, anal and rectal tumors, and colo-rectal cancer. Kagan peppers his guide with stories from real-life patients and practical advice about choosing a surgeon. He shows you the physiology behind each disease and the best ways to find relief and comfort.