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THIS BOOK COMES W/A WARNING - If you are Caucasian and cannot handle the "Truth" about your own race, do not read this book! Getting upset and leaving negative comments is an immature way to handle this information. BUT TO THOSE SEEKING THE "TRUTH" - HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT WHITE PPL ONLY WANT TO "COME TOGETHER," AND "PUT THE PAST BEHIND US," IS WHEN IT'S TIME FOR THEIR "UGLY" HISTORY TO BE TOLD. Our earliest example of this hate-filled, evil concept of "Racism" was birthed by the all Caucasian (Great Roman Empire)! The Roman Empire, during its glory days, had gained dominance (through military might) in "Jerusalem," "Galilee," and all Israel. During this same period, the Empire had also gained dominance over "Syria," "Turkey," "Palestine," and many other regions of the (Middle-East); while holding heavy dominance in "Greece," and surrounding regions of (Europe). So, this was a great, and powerful kingdom of Atheist White folks who knew no God. As a result, they were a "brutal, ruthless regime that saw people of color they had conquered as races of people less than themselves; and they were going to keep them in check by any means necessary – sometimes using barbaric methods. For it was the Romans who thought that "Nailing a man to a cross," was a proper form of punishment for a crime like stealing/larceny. Yet, it was unlawful for any Roman citizen to be executed in this inhumane way; not even murder! So, we see that this establishment was founded on "bias" and "discrimination," and "racism" from the beginning. Not only did they discriminate in their laws against people of color, but also in how they treated them. They handled people of color with disdain and hatred, but especially "Jews" and "Black people!" Nothing was more important to Romans than maintaining their world-power status. And because of their great success through war, they declared themselves a "Superior" race of people. This was not only due to their military strength but also because they looked differently – they carried no (melanin) in their pale skin-tone – they were White! Thereafter, they began to display to the rest of the world what “White-Supremacy” looked like. To showcase who they were, they began their reign of terror on “Jews,” first! From the time of Jesus' Birth, up until His crucifixion, the Roman Empire was in full authority. When Jesus was born, they tried to "kill" Him because they saw this “Child” as a threat to their establishment. After all, it had been prophesied that this "Jewish Child" would become Ruler (Matt.2:6, 16). But God protected Jesus from their wrath, and He survived His childhood (Matt.2:13-14). However, when "Jesus" became an "adult" and went about preaching, "(healing the sick and raising the dead)," they carefully watched Him, and His Disciples. When they assessed that Jesus could be a threat to their power, this Caucasian King – under the Roman Empire (Pontius Pilate), had Jesus "crucified! And yes, even though Jews (who rejected Jesus) pressured Pilate to crucify Him, they had no power! – Jews were mere subjects of Roman Kings. But to this day, Jews carry all the weight of being accused of Jesus’ murder and called “Christ-killers” by racist Whites who descended from this evil regime. But Caucasians "hide" their own ancestors’ culpability in the murder of Jesus – for it was their forefathers who gave the order to have Jesus killed. The Empire’s sole motive in crucifying Jesus was to remove Him because Jesus had a huge number of followers. And they saw this Jew with the ability to perform "miracles" as a possible threat to their (White Supremacy establishment); for they were well aware of Israel’s previous great Rulers (king David and King Solomon) and they feared "Jesus" might rise against them. I believe that Jesus’ appearance also played a part. According to Scripture, Jesus’ complexion was dark-brown; described as "brass" in color, and His hair described as “Woolly” like a lamb; as Blacks' hair (Rev.1:14).