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Product Description Whether a website, marketing campaign, museum exhibit, a video game or a complex control system, the design we see is the culmination of many concepts and practices brought together from a variety of disciplines. Now, there's a handy travel companion for any designer, so that you always have the essentials at your fingertips. Portable, condensed, and armed with 150 principles, Universal Principles of Design, Pocket Edition is like a Swiss Army knife of design knowledge. Richly illustrated and easy to navigate, it pairs critical need-to-know design knowledge with visual examples of the principles applied in practice. An indispensable field reference for designers of all types, this pocket edition of the best-selling Universal Principles of Design will sharpen your design thinking and expand your sense of the possible. About the Author William Lidwell is the Chief R&D Officer at Avenues: The World School, where he leads teams tasked with conducting research in education and the learning sciences; the development of new educational curricula, programming, and technologies; and the architecture and design of new campuses around the world. The co-author of Universal Principles of Design and The Pocket Universal Principles of Design, he has written other books in a variety of disciplines, including design, education, and management. His online lectures on the psychology of color are available at, and his online courses on the universal principles of design and logo design are available at He lives in Houston, Texas.