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God is the God who performs miracles. We see this in the Bible, and we are to see this in our lives. Look at what Paul tells us in his letter to the Galatian Christians: "So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?" Galatians 3:5 (NASB) Paul is pointing out that all of the miracles the Galatian Christians see happening are because the God who performs miracles does them based on their “hearing of faith." Are you seeing the miracles God is performing in your midst? If not, you should be. That is why I want you to study the miracles of the Bible, and the goal is for you to open up to the miraculous happening in your life. As you study each day in this journal, you will be “hearing with faith” what God has done and what God will do. Then, as you draw closer to Him, you will find God moving in ways that You know are Him. In Christ,Chuck Booher