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Product Description Charles F. Haanel was a successful business man who discovered that spiritual life is a key to success in everything you do. He proved that what is happening outside is in a direct relation to what is taking place in your consciousness. When the Master Key was published, it was one of those books that successful business men wanted out of the market. They didn't want people to read this book as its truths would help anyone to overcome limitations. The rumor is that when Bill Gates was just a student, he read this book and utilized its truths. Rest is history. The Master Key System is divided in chapters that have introductions and numbered paragraphs to study. It starts from understanding the principles of your conscious mind and its power and advances to utilizing these principles. As you put in use what the author explains in this volume, you will start seeing substantial changes in your reality. In many ways, Charles was so much ahead of his time. Even today most prolific business coaches (such as Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy, etc.) do not admit the fact that your life is in your control 100%. We are taught that we are at the mercy of externals, but that isn't so. In many ways, Charles F. Haanel is the most outstanding business coach there has ever been. Long before current business coaches who incorporate spiritual life and business, he did it. If you are an owner of major company -- have every employee of your company to read this book and utilize it in their daily routines. Your company will become the new success story. About the Author Charles F. Haanel (1866-1949) was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He began his business career in St. Louis. He resigned his position in order to start his own company and eventually founded one of the largest conglomerates of his time. Mr. Haanel put into books the ideas and methods he used to gain his success. Besides the Master Key System, which he wrote in 1917, he also wrote Mental Chemistry and The New Psychology. Mr. Haanel died in 1949 and is buried in Bellafontaine Cemetery, St. Louis. Walter B. Stevens described Mr. Haanel as "a man of mature judgment, capable of taking a calm survey of life and correctly valuing its opportunities, its possibilities, its demands and obligations."