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You will be receiving 1 pound of the deer scrap that is pictured.>Style of Leather: DeerColor: Neutral colors - Black, Browns, Off White, there may be some RedSquare Feet: 1/2-2 hand size on average, expect to see strips and pieces bigger or smaller than the averageThickness: 2-4 oz on averageTexture: Flat grain, grainyTemper: SoftBlemishes: There will be a few holes, grain damage, and scars, and other blemishes throughout the piecesThis hide has a wide range of uses that include but are not limited to: BagsInlayBook bindingJacketsBook coversLiningBraceletsPillowsChaps & ChinksPursesCorsetsTablet SleevesDoor PanelsTrimGloves / MittensUpholsteryHandbagsvestsHatbandsWrapshome Décor