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"Entrepreneurs of Life" 1576831639 Every person has a unique calling to count for good. An entrepreneur of life is one who responds to this call—who takes it on as a creative challenge, a venture of faith for the sake of good. How do you hear and answer your call? In Entrepreneurs of Life, Os Guinness guides you through the Western tradition to understand what calling is and how you can respond. From the journals and letters of men and women who fought slavery, reinvented healthcare, and composed great music, you’ll find models to follow as you discover and answer your own call. "The Journey" 1576831604 The events of life can stop you in your tracks and raise big questions: What is the meaning of my life? How should I live it? Where did I come from? What is my eventual destiny? To search for answers is to embark on the most important journey of your life. In The Journey, you can investigate answers from three major perspectives—modern secularism, Eastern philosophy, and Christian faith—and form your own conclusions. If you or someone you know is engaged in a quest for faith and meaning, The Journey can help you find answers worthy of your time and commitment.