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Get up to speed quickly on the world's fastest growing financialsector The Islamic Finance Handbook: A Practitioner's Guide to theGlobal Markets is the definitive report for the Islamic financeindustry. Written by the industry's leading practitioners, the bookprovides a country-by-country breakdown of the current state of theIslamic market, including league tables by region and by country.Relevant case studies are used throughout to illustrate thepractical aspect of the information presented. Organized for easynavigation, each chapter features sub-sections that allow instantcomparison between countries in a specific area of interest.The Islamic finance industry is the world's fastest growingsector, valued at over U.S. $1.3 trillion by the UK Islamic Financesecretariat, with an annual growth of 24% for the past five years.To compete globally, practitioners need a true understanding of keymarkets within the industry. The Islamic Finance Handbookpaints a clear picture of where each country stands in itsdevelopment and role within the market, and provides astraightforward comparison between markets. Features include:Current macroeconomic and microeconomic conditionsRegulatory and political situationsRecent transactions, key participants, and the investorclimateReal-world cases, as opposed to speculative scenariosThe book places a clear focus on current conditions versus pastperformance, and on practical applications versus theoreticalspeculation. Each chapter is authored by a leading practitionerfrom within each country, allowing a true glimpse inside theday-to-day workings of the Islamic markets. For financeprofessionals who need to get up to speed on this rapidly growingsector, The Islamic Finance Handbook: A Practitioner's Guide tothe Global Markets is a clear, comprehensive guide.