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About proper Toppers grain-free beef dog food: The Honest Kitchen beef proper Toppers are irresistible, light and crispy superfood clusters. They’re uber delicious, while providing a boost of whole food, superfood nutrition. Proper Toppers are made with just 6 dehydrated dog food ingredients, including ranch raised beef, and are 80% meat. These superfoods for dogs will boost taste and add nutrition to tired old kibble. They can also be served as a tasty treat. Crumbs at the bottom of the bag? These savory sprinkles are just as good as the clusters! This natural dog food is 100% human-grade dog food (an important quality distinction!) and contains no Red flag pet food ingredients like corn, soy, rice, beet pulp or wheat. About The Honest Kitchen: The Honest Kitchen started in Lucy Postin’s kitchen in 2002 when she started making her dog’s meals from scratch to help combat his ear infections. The physical difference from his new diet was spectacular but her kitchen was a mess. Lucy then realized that dehydrating whole foods made mealtimes much simpler while maintaining the natural health benefits of the ingredients. From there, The Honest Kitchen was born - and her kitchen stayed much cleaner! Today, The Honest Kitchen is on a mission to revolutionize the pet food industry through their obsession with product integrity and commitment to help as many pets as possible get on the road to good health through natural, wholesome proper food.