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Dial 311 to complain about magic! Jewel Heiss's job is answering Chicago residents' complaints about magic. Da Mayor's Hinky Policy is "Don't ask, don't tell, cope." Sometimes she performs hinky-containment-and-removal services. Sometimes she has to gaslight the citizen. ("Ma'am, that pigeon isn't smoking, it's gathering nesting materials.") And sometimes she helps them find positive ways of quietly living with magic. Jewel's priorities get skewed when a con artist, a lonely-hearts scam, and a magic bed start wrecking her best friend’s marriage. It seems she can prosecute the con artist, or she can rescue the incubus trapped in his "treatment" bed, or she can save her best friend's marriage...but not all three. Jewel is losing sight of the fact that her job is to save Chicago from magic without getting into the news. Oops...