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Achieving a Return On Investment is not happenstance. It is a direct result of utilizing sound business practices. Dr. DuBrino has contributed 4 articles to Advance for Audiologists and Advance for Nurse Practitioners over the past 5 years that have presented the research and day to day experiences of consulting with various audiologists throughout the industry.Erecting a sign outside the office; and publishing one's name and picture in the newspaper has not guaranteed a successful marketing campaign that resulted in a bottom line that paid the bills and afforded the business owner a good living.The major obstacle in the hearing industry in assisting individuals to overcome their communication difficulties is to get them to pick up the phone and call for an appointment. Education begins with having an audience that is motivated to seek the information one has to offer. It must also address the concerns people have; and offer a solution in a way that gives them the opportunity to decide how well they need to hear and understand others within an investment that is both comfortable and affordable to their needs. Therefore, it must be notable, succinct and attractive to the target audience you seek so that they will call your practice.Signage, brochures, flyers, business cards, direct mail, Newspaper ads, Television commercials, radio spots, all have to have a consistent and encouraging message.Sound business practices are concomitant with sound professional practices in Audiology and Hearing Instument Sciences. This component of Business Acumen has admittedly been lacking in curriculums within the schools of Audiology. He believes that the information in this book would complete the pattern for success for those professionals who would venture into private practice.