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About the Book The family saga chronicles the lives of a family, or several related or interconnected families, over an extended period of time. This may be in a novel or a sequences of novels with a serious theme, and is set against the background of historical events, changes of social circumstances, or the rise and fall of fortunes. The typical family saga follows a family through several generations in a series of novels. Also in this Book Our offering includes memoirs, or collections of memories that individuals have written about moments or events, both public or private, that took place in their lives. While the assertions made in these works are generally taken to be factual, the biases or perspectives of the authors are often present. Historically, memoirs have been defined as a subcategory of biography or autobiography, however the genre is differentiated in form, since it presents a narrower focus. While a biography or autobiography tells the story "of a life", a memoir generally tells the story "from a life", tending to emphasize touchstone events and turning points in the author's life experience. The authors are referred to as memoirists or memorialists. About us Leopold Classic Library has the goal of making available to readers the classic books that have been out of print for decades. While these books may have occasional imperfections, we consider that only hand checking of every page ensures readable content without poor picture quality, blurred or missing text etc. That's why we: republish only hand checked books; that are high quality; enabling readers to see classic books in original formats; that are unlikely to have missing or blurred pages. You can search "Leopold Classic Library" in categories of your interest to find other books in our extensive collection. Happy reading!