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When is there NOT a season for Cold Brew Coffee? If you are a coffee lover and simply crave that amazingly rich flavor, the good news is that you can now have it all year round. Not only can you enjoy just drinking it, there are so many ways you can creatively use it. There are a lot of books with recipes out now, but that is not really what this book is for. You can pull up a recipe any day. But learning how to brew Cold Brew Coffee, store it safely, filter it, learn about the easy and basic chemistry of Cold Brew Coffee, you will get soooo many ideas about how you can play with it and enjoy it. This book is a guide for you to understand, learn, and appreciate true Cold Brew Ambrosia. There are no set numbers for every person’s preference in the brew or the wonderful things the brew and you can make. If you approach Cold Brew like the bestest new toy you have ever had and you play with it, this is the book for you. Join Auntie Dee in a playful approach to brewing what is fast becoming the world’s favorite cold drink.