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Quick, concise standard explanations for emergency management chapter leaders The Chapter Leader's Guide to Emergency Management breaks down the Joint Commission's emergency management requirements into easy-to-understand solutions to meet the challenges of these complex standards. You get simplified explanations of the chapter's key components along with communication techniques to help foster a strong and successful partnership between survey coordinator and chapter leader. Plus, to make staff training easy, this guide includes a downloadable PowerPoint® presentation highlighting key compliance takeaways. Benefits of The Chapter Leader's Guide to Emergency Management: - Keep your facility up to speed on the ever increasing emergency management requirements - Pinpoint compliance loopholes in your current emergency management program - Understand what it means to be prepared for an emergency under Joint Commission standards - Educate and prepare organizational leaders to take a key role in emergency preparedness - Ensure the highest possible level of preparedness and cooperation within your community What's inside: - An in-depth look at emergency preparedness from a nationally recognized expert in the field - The most up-to-date regulatory requirements resulting from recent national and international disasters - Tips developing a successful emergency management plan with organizational leadership - Methods to incorporate regulatory requirements into existing disaster preparations - A step by step look at what The Joint Commission requires for emergency management Table of Contents Part I: State of Preparedness Role of leaders Understanding community Understanding healthcare It shouldn't take a crisis to make a leader Understanding resiliency Part II: the 96 Hour Principal National Response Plan The Joint Commission's role Extending survivability Part III: The Value of Exercises The Emergency Operations Plan The value of exercises Part IV: Effective Survey Preparation The advent of unannounced surveys Types of surveyors Part V: Who Speaks for the Children? The National Commission on Children and Disasters Appendix Sample 96 Hour Sustainability Chart Joint Commission Emergency Management Standard Checklist Who will benefit? Accreditation coordinator, accreditation specialist, survey coordinator, Joint Commission survey coordinator, emergency management chapter leader, emergency management coordinator, facility manager, and disaster preparedness coordinator