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A ride home after a major chest, abdominal, or shoulder surgery shouldn't be unbearable, but the seatbelt often irritates stitches and tender areas. Never sacrifice safety in your vehicle because of a painful seatbelt. Now you can be safe in your car as well as comfortable with The Breast & Chest Buddy Seatbelt Cushion. No matter the procedure or complication, The Breast & Chest Buddy is a perfect solution. Great after heart surgeries, chemo port placements, shoulder procedures, breast surgeries, or even place over the stomach for abdominal surgeries. You can even use it if you just don't enjoy the rub or pull of the seatbelt in your car. The Breast & Chest Buddy works on all kinds of seatbelts in every single car. It can bu used on left or right seatbelts, or even lap belts. No matter where you're experiencing the discomfort, The Breast & Chest Buddy is designed for your relief. Simply detach the hook and loop, put around the seatbelt in desired area, and reattach for a relaxed ride. You'll be amazed at the cushioning inside The Breast &Chest Buddy. It is super soft, flexible, and shock absorbing. Even when you're going over speed bumps, The Breast & Chest Buddy protects you. It is enclosed in an ultra-soft fabric so if feels amazing on the skin, unlike the irritation of a rubbing seatbelt. Sit comfortably, no matter how long the trip. Package contains (1) Tummie Buddy Lapbelt Cushion for r C-section, hernia repair or any abdominal surgery patients. Remove foam and close prior to washing. Wash on gentle cycle, dry low or air dry. Made in the USA.