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Level 1 : Very Easy For the LEVEL-UP version of this book, please check out "The Book of 100 Dragons LEVEL 2" from the same author. This is a compendium of Rossy Zapata's dragon drawings made mostly during early 2005 up to 2009, formatted into a coloring book perfect for dragon lovers. It includes dragon depictions from around the world (ranging from classic European, to Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, South Korean, Bhutanese, Indonesian, and many more). It comes in an assortment of both simple and complex designs, both full body and head-busts, some friendly-looking, some fierce-looking, so if you intend to share or swap during coloring parties or while having quality time with your little ones, there's at least one dragon suited for every age range, one dragon for each personality type, one dragon for any mood. This coloring book is formatted as Single-page drawings, don't worry about bleeding media anymore! Also suited for people interested in coloring as a form of ASMR theraphy (Autonomous sensory meridian response )