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Each photo that Marcial S. Valenzuela took was a canvass of his artistic skill. Aside from dramatic news photos, the pictures he shot also highlighted the lighter side of life. Some of them won plum awards in annual photo contests. Whenever an opportunity presented itself, he was always quick with his camera. He sees things in detail which only his creative imagination could see. The result is always stunningly beautiful as those presented in the next pages taken mostly at the time when his country was just getting out of the ashes of WWII. Marcial was part of that “manual adjustment” era when sharpness of judgment and experience will tell you which aperture (opening) to adjust in your camera lens in relation to the light that is available; and with what speed you should capture the moment, unlike in today’s digital and hybrid cameras and lenses which give both the amateur and professional photographers a wide menu of automatic adjustments--- making picture-taking a walk in the park.