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Product Description For babies, toddlers and preschoolers―a first lesson in the everyday kindnesses that mark the beginning of a Jewish journey. This whimsical, fun-filled board book helps you and your child explore the joys of doing good deeds and mitzvot together. Adapted from the award-winning It's a ... It’s a ... It’s a Mitzvah, the playful text spins new twists on beloved nursery rhymes. Lively illustrations introduce your child to the everyday kindnesses that mark the beginning of a Jewish journey and a lifetime commitment to tikkun olam (repairing the world). Your child will delight in turning the sturdy pages and celebrating the actions we all can do to become caring souls who think about and help others. Review That's a Mitzvah is a cute, pocket-sized board book that introduces young children to the concept of doing mitzvot, especially the mitzvah of going good deeds. It is geared toward pre-readers up to about the age of four. It was written by Liz Suneby and Diane Heiman, and it is an adaptation of their book It's a... It's a... It's a Mitzvah, which is geared more toward those starting to learn to read. As with its progenitor, this book is filled with adorable illustrations of cuddly animals learning about, and carrying out, mitzvot. The text of That's a Mitzvah is written in a lively, series of rhymes that are fun to read out loud, and which will help hold the attention of youngsters as you read to them. In addition, the small size of this book (it is about five inches wide and five inches tall) is ideal for little hands to grasp, and the thick, board like pages are easy for little ones to turn. This enables most pre-readers to hold the book themselves and turn the pages as they look at the pages. It is an ideal car seat book, although it might get chewed on a bit if the 'reader' happens to be teething ;-) The pictures are colorful, the text engaging, and the message is one that will enhance every child's life as they learn about the requirement of, and joy in, doing good deeds and in helping to make the world a better place for all. -- Anna Dogole ― The Jewish Eye A charming, rhyming meerkat helpstoddlers recognize when they'vedone something kind. Fresh, engagingillustrations and a tone reminiscentof Dr. Suess avoids any hint of heavyhandedmoralizing; the story is lots offun and encourages readers to follow the goodness in their hearts. A boardbook. -- Deahn Berrini Leblang ― The Jewish Journal From the Back Cover For babies, toddlers and preschoolers a first lesson in the everyday kindnesses that mark the beginning of a Jewish journey. This whimsical, fun-filled book helps parents and young children explore the joys of doing good deeds and mitzvot together. Adapted from the award-winning It's a It's a It's a Mitzvah, this playful text spins new twists on beloved nursery rhymes. Lively illustrations introduce very young children to the everyday kindnesses that mark the beginning of a Jewish journey and a lifetime commitment to tikkun olam (repairing the world). Toddlers and preschoolers will delight in turning the sturdy pages and celebrating the actions we all can do to become caring souls who think about and help others. About the Author Diane Heiman is coauthor of The JGuy's Guide: The GPS for Jewish Teen Guys; The Mitzvah Project Book: Making Mitvah Part of Your Bar/Bat Mitzvah … and Your Life; It's a … It's a … It's a Mitzvah (all Jewish Lights) and the Children's Choice Award winner See What You Can Be: Explore Careers That Could Be for You. Diane Heiman is also available to speak on the following topic: Mitzvah Projects Liz Suneby is coauthor of The JGuy's Guide: The GPS for Jewish Teen Guys; The Mitzvah Project Book: Making Mitzvah Part of Your Bar/Bat Mitvah … and Your Life; It's a ... It's a ... It's a Mitzvah (all Jewish Lights) and coauthor of the Children's Choice Award winner See What You Can Be: Explore Careers That Could Be for You! Liz Suneby is also available to speak on