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Please note: To get the general instruction file reference to this product, please message to us (to seller) form your order detail – You will receive a pdf file containing necessary information. As it is not possible to provide specific instruction because condition and positioning of teeth of everyone is different, but how to wear it, normal time to wear, when to use soft tray and when to use hard tray, wash care instruction and some other points you need to know have been included in this file. If you are not finding the option to contact seller in your order detail, as a alternative, you can click on name of seller in Amazon Product Detail Page, there also you will find a option to leave a message to seller. Generally it is required that user wear the orthodontic braces for 1-2 hours during the daytime,and 8 hours at night when you are sleeping. At first week,your teeth may feel pain and soreness,this is normal.You need keep on using everyday. These orthodontic braces with good quality,but do not bite them,avoid deformation. Please attention: Not recommended for the people having major health issue or dental problems. In this case consult with your doctor before using it. Suitable For: Adult or Children older than 12 years Wash Instruction: Before and after use them,please clean with a toothbrush use cold or warm water,do not use hot water!Then put them in clean box. Color: Blue If any kind of query, feel free to message us (the seller).