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This adorable, vibrant, fun and cute cat design socks are very welcome in the market. Our sock choose high quality combed cotton and Lycra Elastic material to make our socks very soft and comfotable when wearing.There are too many socks in this markets, so why you choose Tandi socks not others? Here are some comments from real customers and hope it will help to make your choice:* these socks are cutest ever, the ears and the cat design are what make them* Vibrant colors, fit most dresses very well* Many girls like them just because the cat design* Great quality and great fit* Many customer said this solved their sensory issues(But there is still some customer said it is still an issue. if it doesn't solve your problem, just return to us) So if you want to find some fine quality socks for girls, we highly recommend you to buy this, and we believe you will not be disappointed.