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2017 fucked-up GIFT IDEAS | COLOURING BOOKS FOR GROWN-UPS | HUMOROUS Beware! Owls hoot, hoot and swear like sh*t! Book not recommended for Children.Swearing Owls is a Swear Word Adult Coloring book featuring hilarious owls! 100% original illustrations.20 unique hand-drawn illustrations with swear words and hilarious owls.All illustrations are printed twice, providing you with 40 printed pages for coloring.All images are printed single sided to avoid damage to other illustrations from color bleeding.Hours and hours of relaxation, mindful calm and stress relief.Swear words inside the book:F**kwitSh*t StormF**kfacePr*ckPiss offSh*tballB*tchF**knuggetKiss my A**C*ntWhat the hoot?Take no Sh*tI see dumbf**ks everywhereThunderc*ntSh*tF**cker 1, F**cker 2, F**cker 3CrapOwl you need is some f**king loveHoot, hoot, motherf**kerHe can karate chop the sh*t out!All words are integrated with owls illustrations in varied and funny situations. You can´t miss it out!