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🌛JDY-08 transparent transmission module based on the Bluetooth 4.0 protocol standard, the working frequency band is 2.4GHZ range, the modulation mode is GFSK.the maximum transmission power is 0db, the maximum transmission distance is 60 meters. The TICC2541 chip design is adopted, which allows users to modify the device name through AT command, service UUID, transmit power, pairing password and other instructions, convenient and fast to use flexible. ðŸŽWeChat transmission (support AirSync protocol, Applied to WeChat H5 or factory server communication). ðŸŽAPP transparent transmission (support Android, IOS data transparent transmission). ðŸŽiBeacon mode (support WeChat shake protocol and the Apple iBeacon protocol) ðŸŽSensor mode (temperature, humidity, and many other sensor data acquisition applications) ðŸŽHost transparent transmission mode (data transmission between application modules, host and slave communication) ðŸŽHost observer mode (application sensor, indoor positioning) ðŸŽPWM mode (applicable to motor speed regulation, LED brightness adjustment) ðŸŽIO mode (applies to phone control relay or LED on and off) ðŸŽIndoor room application (application to collect data from iBeacon for range positioning) ðŸŽRTC function