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Stript Health 7-Way Aquarium Test Strips is for every fish owner who needs to quickly test water, but can't find a complete test that is simple to use.Here's a huge problem you face right now. It's finding a quality test that is easy to use and accurate.Many fish owners can't get past the idea that they need multiple bottles and tubes to get results and maintain proper water levels.All this can make trying to keep your tank healthy a nightmare! But luckily for you, there's now a solution! So, if you're a fish owner and who really needs to quickly test water, but can't find a complete test that is simple to use, "Stript Health 7-Way Aquarium Test Strips" is the answer you've been looking for! Our Aquarium Kit Tests For: Carbonate Total Alkalinity pH General Hardness Free Chlorine Nitrate Nitrite There's no time like the present to $ Save Money $!- Order Now!