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Streamlight 88083 ProTac 2L-X USB, Rechargeable USB battery, USB cord and holster and Box - 500 Lumens,BlackProTac 2L-X USB - rechargeable USB battery, USB cord and holster - BoxStreamlight 66118 Stylus Pro LED PenLight with Holster, Black - 100 LumensStreamlight's Stylus Pro black LED pen flashlight with holster features a super bright, high flux, 1/2 watt LED, and has a lifetime of up to 30,000 hours. It consists of a micro optical system which facilitates optimized output and run time. This flashlight is corrosion proof and has waterproof construction with an unbreakable polycarbonate lens as well as a pocket clip.Streamlight's Stylus Pro black LED penlight flashlight with holster features a super bright, high flux, 1/2 watt LED, and has a lifetime of up to 30,000 hours. It consists of a micro optical system which facilitates optimized output and run time. This flashlight is corrosion proof and has waterproof construction with an unbreakable polycarbonate lens as well as a pocket clip.