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IMPORTANT - PLEASE ENSURE YOU PURCHASE THE CORRECT STOPLOCK BY CLICKING ON THE 'Stoplock Application Guide' PDF WHICH IS JUST ABOVE THIS IN BLUE TEXT STOP THIEVES You love your car and it’s probably your most prized possession after your home, but thieves don’t care. They want your precious motor and they have found ways to easily bypass electronic locking systems. Your car could be stolen in just a few seconds! SOLUTION Buy a tried and trusted Stoplock steering wheel lock because often simplicity is best. This toughened physical and visual deterrent clamps to, and extends past, the steering wheel and catches either on the thief’s legs or the windscreen preventing the criminal from being able to steer the car. There’s a Stoplock model for almost every vehicle, coupe, van, SUV, MPV, 4x4 or estate. QUALITY Built to last, fully attack tested, highly resistant to a wide range of power tools and winner of motoring magazine awards, peace of mind has never been simpler. IN USE Quick and easy to attach in a few seconds, compact enough to keep in the boot, supplied with a pair of keys - replacements can be purchased by quoting the key code – and with up to 10,000 combinations. VISIBILITY Each version has either a bright yellow bar or a flashing LED which deters thieves and encourages them to move on to a more vulnerable vehicle on the street or in the car park.