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Sterling Seal & Supply 70 durometer Urethane O-Rings are more abrasion resistant than buna-N and other rubber Polyurethane O-Rings offer the best resistance to wear and tear They also resist salt water and gasoline Cast polyurethane is outstanding over other O-Ring elastomers in abrasion resistance and tensile strength Additionally, cast polyurethane surpasses the performance of mill able polyurethane in its higher tensile strength, greater elongation, wider temperature range, and lower compression set characteristics These seals are ideal for high hydraulic pressures and situations where highly stressed parts are subject to wear They are used for wheels, rolls, slurry parts, bumpers, couplers, and shock absorbers Also used for wiper seals for axially moving piston rods With tensile strength of up to 6,000 psi, elongation of 350 to 650 percent, compression sets of 10 to 25 percent, and exceedingly high abrasion resistance, the physical properties of cast polyurethane are among the best of all O-Ring elastomers Although they swell slightly upon exposure, cast polyurethane compounds feature excellent resistance to mineral-based oils and petroleum products, aliphatic solvents, alcohols and ether They are also Compatible with hydraulic fluids, weak acids and bases, and Mixtures containing less than 80 percent aromatic constituents Cast polyurethanes are not recommended for exposure to concentrated acids and bases, ketones, esters, very strong oxidizing agents, Pure aromatic compounds and brake fluids With the exception of special compounds, they are also not recommended for exposure to hot water or steam