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Sterling Seal & Supply 7106 Neoprene 60 durometer rubber is a very good general service gasket material that has numerous applications in the process industries and in the water and wastewater industry Temperature range -20 F to 190 F Sizes and hardnesses other than those shown are available at Amazon This material is black in color with a smooth finish Sterling Seal & Supply 7106 is suitable for applications requiring moderate exposure to the ozone Neoprene is suitable for water, hydraulic silicates and has moderate oil resistance qualities This material is impact and abrasion resistant Commonly used in equipment such as valves, pumps, flanges, Doors, mixers, agitators and automotive replacement parts tips & Suggestions for cutting generic CNA or paper gasket materials:(1) recommended tools: safety Goggles, utility knife, duct tape, ball hammer, marker, and ruler(2) determine proper gasket material(3) clamp part to a vise minimizing movement(4) set the gasket material around the part surface requiring gasket Clamp or use your free hand to carefully hold material to the part Gently Tap around diameter of part surface scoring the material using ball end of hammer If there are holes in the surface requiring gasket, (Ex: bolt holes, impeller or shaft hole) keep tapping Eventually the material will give way, leaving a perfect-sized hole You can either Tap again until extra material falls from surface edge or pull free material from hole Or you can remove the material once scored from surface and use knife to cut along your score marks why four pass torqueing Example 4 inch ring gasket for 150 lb ANSI pipe flange with (8) 5/8 inch dia Grade B7 bolts lubricated with a graphite based compound One pass torqueing: bolting efficiency = 50 percent four pass torqueing: bolting efficiency = 75 percent resulting gasket stress: one pass = 4782 four pass = 7173 result: 50 percent higher gasket stress with four pass torqueing