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Standlee's jojo's BEST™ Premium Western Orchard Grass is the highest quality premium western forage and high in fiber and low in protein and calcium. Orchard Grass helps keep the gastrointestinal tract of rabbits and other small animals functioning properly. The long stem fiber also fosters the natural foraging instincts which are critical to your animal's overall and dental health. Standlee's jojo's BEST™ Premium Western Orchard Grass forage is grown in the nutrient rich volcanic soils of Southern Idaho where the abundant sun, low humidity and access to irrigation produces the best quality forages in the World! jojo’ s BEST™ Premium Western Orchard Grass is 2nd cutting and sun-cured forage, free of additives and preservatives and hand-sorted for packaging. Premium Western Orchard Grass is recommended for small herbivores by veterinarians and nutritionists for the optimal health of your animal. Orchard Grass can be mixed with other grass forages as animals appreciate variety; this practice also encourages more forage intake which is beneficial to the health of your animal. Forage is vital to the health of small herbivores.