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SST-1001 - Shift Lever Seal Remover / Installer Provides the easy removal and installation of the manual shaft (shift lever) seal. Draining of the transmission fluid is not required. The whole process takes just a few minutes.Similar to: Atec Trans-Tool T-1001, Kent-Moore J-26282, J-26401, KD Tools 2393, Snap-On YA9348 and Schley SL96480.For use on these Transmissions: 180,180C (3L30) (4L30-E) Short Shaft Only 200, 200C, 200-4R 250, 250-C, 350, 350C 325,325-4L 375,400 (3L80), 425, 475(3L80-HD) 700-R4 (4L60) (4L60-E Pre 1995 Short Shaft Only) POWERGLIDEInstructions:To remove the seal: 1. disconnect selector shaft linkage. 2. place remover over the shaft with the remover screw backed off. 3. Apply downward pressure by force or with light tapping with a hammer while screwing clockwise into the seal. once the remover threads are engage into the seal, remove the seal by turning the remover screw until seal is extracted.To replace the seal: 1. place the new seal on the selector shaft. 2. Place installer over end of selector shaft. 3. Apply downward pressure by tapping with a hammer. 4. Remove the installer. 5. Connect the selector shaft linkage.